We are currently seeking manuscripts within the genres of literary fiction and historical fiction as well as non-fiction titles on the following subjects: archaeology, history, geography, global studies, theology, biblical studies, cultural criticism, journalism, and law. We’re also open to select memoirs, essay collections, and other kinds of creative non-fiction along the lines of wartime experiences, refugee stories, exceptional tales of travel or adventure, etc. We do not charge reading fees.

For fiction manuscripts, memoirs, and creative non-fiction

Send your query letter and a sample of your book to queries@spadeandscroll.com. Your letter should include a summary, a brief synopsis, and an author bio. If you’ve written a chaptered novel, send the first chapter or two. If you’ve written a collection of short stories, send one of them. It does not need to be the first of the collection. If neither of these options applies to you, send a sample of up to 5,000 w0rds.

Paste all contents into the body of the email. We do not open attachments.

Please allow four weeks for us to get back to you. If you haven’t heard from us by then, feel free to send us a follow-up email.

For all other non-fiction manuscripts

If you’re querying with a completed book, send a summary, a brief chapter-by-chapter outline, a sample chapter, and an author bio to queries@spadeandscroll.com. Please include the target demographic of your book as well as an explanation of your credentials relative to the book’s subject matter. If you haven’t begun the book yet, replace the sample chapter with a highly detailed chapter-by-chapter outline.

Paste all contents into the body of the email. We do not open attachments.

Please allow eight weeks for us to get back to you. If you haven’t heard from us by then, feel free to send us a follow-up email.